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Friday, September 19, 2014

Screw your pot of gold Leprechaun!

I have a great idea; let's bring back the cult classic Leprechaun, but first we have to follow these simple rules:
1. Throw away any references to the original Leprechaun
2. Turn the leprechaun into a man eating mutant
3. Take ANY generic horror story premise, it doesn't matter which one, and set in Ireland
4. Make all characters unrelateable and undesirable
5. Only show glimpses of the leprechaun and when you do show the creature make sure the camera is out of focus or quickly zoom past him.
6. Make the opening credit and closing credits 15 minutes of the 90 minute running time

I don't know about you but that sounds like a hit reboot...right?

Leprechaun Origins was possibly one of the worst films I had ever seen...not to mention worst reboot!

I must admit, when I first found out about this movie I was super excited! I loved all the Leprechaun movies...yes even the ones in "The Hood".  I heard that the creators were going to make it a 100% horror flik and not take the campy route that the Leprechaun series had taken.  Though I LOVED that about those movies, it peeked my interest when I thought about what it would be like to see a SCARY version in the Leprechaun series.  By the way, if you can't tell, I'M STILL WAITING!

My first mistake was paying for the movie on VOD, though at the time it seemed like a good idea.  I now realize that the scariest thing about my experience was paying the 7.99$ for the HD version. The movie starts and I'm ready: I had my popcorn, my soda, and I had my.... Well let's just say a
horror movie can be enhanced with a little help from Mary Jane...she didn't like the movie either!

So, Leprechaun Origins. Two people die in the first 5 minutes by a very fast "animal" type thing that has infrared eyesight. Cut to: the main characters. They are "introduced" (and by introduced I mean they show you who the slut is, who the rebel is, who the asshole is, and who the dorky heroin is), by the way I had no clue what their names were. All I knew is that they were in Ireland, because the men in the pub spoke with an Irish accent, and I knew that one of them was a history major. Oh and I think the four of them were dating, seperatly I think. A few minutes later they are trapped in a cabin by the townsfolk who have left them there to be sacrificed to the mutant animal in the woods, i.e. a leprechaun. The rest you can figure out yourself.

Warwick Davis...HELP!!!!! We need you back! Not only were you not in this movie, any reference to the lore of your "character" wasn't in it, and I'm almost positive neither was a leprechaun!!!!!!!!  What we did get was some mutant animal with weird chicken legs that eats people... Oh and likes anything that may look like gold. Warwick, if you read this, by any chance, let's do a reboot that works! Please...there are hundreds of writers out there, myself included, that could have made a better film!!

The lucky charms were soggy, there was no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and the only wish that came true was the movie ended!

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