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Tuesday, September 2, 2014

A New Format

For the past year I have had a format; wake up, go to work, go to the gym, have fun then do it all again the next day.  Weekends were spent with family or on little mini vacations.  I knew school would be starting in September and that meant that whatever lifestyle I was living, like all great things, would be coming to an end.  I prepared myself for all sorts of different ways to make school work with the lifestyle that I had grown accustomed to. I soon realized that in order to change your format you must change it all or nothing.
So, today, on the second day back to school I tried out the "new format" of my life:
7:30 am Wake up
7:45 am Breakfast
8:00-9:00 am Gym
9:05 am Starbucks
9:15 am Arrive on Campus (review note for class)
SIDE NOTE: Once on campus I'm pretty much here until 9:30pm unless I decide to go home during my 3hr break between my afternoon classes and my evening class.
And that is where I am now....9:31am and already this "new format" feels right.   If all goes well, which I have no doubt in my mind that it will, by the end of the semester, a month before my birthday, I would have done very well in school and be back in shape.
I'm not sure which I'm more excited about.


  1. I like this new format. It is very inspiring to hear about the end of semester excitement.
